Wednesday, April 25, 2012

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor...


Do you realize how much time we all invest in waiting?  We wait for the stoplight to change, for the bus to arrive, for the mail to be delivered.  We wait for the relationship to gel, for the marriage to work, for the employer to realize our talents.  We wait for our pain to stop, the medicine to work, for our bodies to heal.  We wait for the check to arrive, to receive the call, for the job to be offered.  We wait for the text message, the Facebook posting, or the tweet to come.

Life is filled with waiting.

Come see the musical, Waiting.... where EVERY character is waiting for something – just like you and me.

Bob Ballance, Co-Producer of Waiting...

We just met our $1000 Kickstarter goal!

We just met our $1000 goal - which means we get the moolah!  Thanks to all our backers!